I have been super bad about keeping up with the blog so here are some pics from the last month. One of his Best Buddies turned 3 this month!!!! Bradys mommy also watched Nathan for me one morning while I went to what seems like one of my gazillion doctors appointments. Nathan talked about his fun day with Brady non stop. I couldnt understand most of it but what I did get was lots of racing, trucks, and baby Cash ( Bradys super sweet baby brother).
This last month we have gone to tons of fun places.
One day we took a trip to the zoo and played in the splash pad in our diapers!!! ha hah a.
The next week we took a fun trip to Discovery Green, a super cool park in downtown Houston. They had a huge fountain that all the kids got to play in and this time we remembered to bring swim clothes.
The last week we went to the Oil Ranch!!! This is a fun place where they got to ride horses , trains, and pick out a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch. Nathan loves "punkins and ghosss" and wants to ride around and look for them every day.