Everyone had such a great time. We got in on Tuesday afternoon. This was Nolan's first plane ride and he did a little better than we expected. He slept for the first hour and then let us know he didn't want to be there anymore for the last part of the flight.
Once we got in Mimi and Papa picked us up at the airport and boy were we glad to see them !
Our room was great! The boys had their own room with plenty of room to play , a big kitchen and living room and a pool on our balcony! When we got in Nolan was ready for a nap and Nathan was ready to splash in his private pool .
The next few days we hung out by the big pool with Mimi, Kathy and Chad. Daddy and the guys played golf in the mornings.
Mimi was so sweet and kept watching Nolan during naptime so that Nathan and I could have some lunch together. It was very nice to have a Nate date in Mexico!
On Friday we all went on a submarine ride! Before we went to Mexico we showed Nathan some different stuff we could do on the computer. He picked out the submarine ride and never strayed from that idea so it was a definite stop on our list.
We all loaded up on the big yellow submarine and rode out to the famous Arch. Next we all went down below and watched all the fish swimming around through the windows. Each seat had a little card with all the fish and their names. Nathan had a blast looking for all of the fish. Nolan kept walking back and forth taping at the windows and laughing. I think he was so excited to be swimming with the fish. After a bit under water we came back up so we could get a good look at the arch and beach. It was sooo beautiful and we even saw sea lions sunbathing on rocks.
Poor Nathan just wanted some chips, queso and " fried shrimps" the whole time. Mexico has none of these. After the submarine ride we went to eat at a shrimp house. Nolan was not having the super long wait and Nathan was not really happy with the "shrimps" . He would say I just want to go to Mama's , his favorite place to eat back home. He took it like a champ though and was great at dinner.
After dinner we headed back and everyone passed out.
Saturday was our other fun activity day we had picked. We swam with the dolphins! We decided that Nolan was old enough to do the program but Mimi and Papa stayed close by just in case he decided to prove us wrong. We first got a run down of the program and put on our life jackets. We then walked over to the tanks. Nathan seemed a bit scared at first but did great! We got to know our dolphin whose name was Maryanna. She was so pretty and very sweet. She gave kisses to the boys , danced with them and let us all pet and love on her.
Nolan did great and kept yelling " fisssshy , fissssshy" when he would see the other dolphins swimming around.
After our great day we headed back to get ready for Mimi and Papas anniversary dinner. After some resting and showering
we loaded up and headed out for our yummy dinner at Manuels. Luckily we were the only people at the restaurant. It was a beautiful evening and they had set the table up for us on the patio. It was a very long dinner so Kyle and I took turns walking Nolan up and down the shopping center. Nathan did such a great job at the table. We were there for a good 3 to 4 hours and Nathan was the perfect gentleman. I know Nolan wanted to sit there but he just doesn't have it in him just yet. :)
We got back and packed up for our trip back the next morning. We had such a great time and didn't want to leave just yet.
The boys were so wiped out from everything that they were still asleep when we got up. I tried to wake up Nathan and he told me to come back in an hour and he would get up. It was so funny because he was serious.
We finally got everyone and everything together and headed home.
It was such a great week and we were so glad to spend such a special day with Mimi and Papa.

Nathan and his dinosaurs taking a dip in his private pool

The boys playing on the fountain in the middle of the kiddie pool .

Nolan hitching a ride to the beach.

Nolan's first trip to the beach.

Nathan's first time at the beach . Kept changing his mind on how he felt about the waves.