We have a new friend in this house!
Last night Daddy was outside, he came in to tell me to get a cup and come look at this? I walked out and there was the cutest lizard that looked almost see through. He was pretty darn adorable. Kyle decided we needed to catch him so we could show Nathan in the morning when he woke up. We quickly grabbed Nathans bug catcher ( I know a bug and lizard are totally different. he he he. ) and spent the next 15 minutes catching this little guy. We put him some grass and water in the lady bug house but within 10 minutes felt bad and had to make a bigger home for this guy. We got a huge plastic container that some pretzels came in and poked holes in the top. It was midnight by this point and that is all I could come up with . We looked him up online and he is a gecko. It said they make great pets and are easy to care for. hmmmmmmmmm...................
This morning when we woke up I showed Nathan this cool guy. He thought he was very neat and was even worried about him being in the cage. I let him know he was totally fine and daddy planned on getting him a bigger home :)
Nolan then got a look at the "Izzzard". He reallllly likes him . He kept yelling at anyone who would get to close and say " My Izzzard!". If Nolan was a bit more calm I think it would be really fun to let the lizard sleep in his room but we all know that poor lizard would be running wild in that room the first night.
Daddy and Nathan headed to the pet store to get this guy some crickets to eat. We had read when they are little they eat 3-4 a day and he hadnt had antyhing since last night.
Well they came back with a new lizard aquarium, a heat light, some fancy lizard mulch bedding . water dishes and the crickets! This little lizard has a nice set up!
We still have not come up with a name and he is still on the kitchen counter but I think he is going to fit in just fine with this family. :)

He is cute right