Friday, August 17, 2012

Flag Football

Now that baseball is over Nathan has been asking to play football. I signed him up to play in the Cy Fair Flag Football this fall. He has never played before and I know a lot of families around here take football very seriously. Kyle and I decided to let him play in a very non competitive organization called I 9 over the summer just to get a feel for the game. His friend Caden also played on the team so it made for some fun Saturdays! Nolan also got to play with his buddy Carson every game since he Caden's little brother. It worked out Perfect!!! Nathan had a great time playing and really tried to learn what was going on. I love how he really tries his hardest and never really complains about it. I know I was very HOT sometimes and he just went on and did what he was supposed to do.

Baseball Awards

At the end of our baseball season Dierkers Champs had a big awards ceremony for the players. We are so proud of Nathan because on top of getting the team trophies he also got the Golden Glove award!!!!! It is only given to one player on the team and the coaches picked the player they thought best deserved the all around Golden Glove and Nathan was their pick! He of course was very shy to be called out on stage in front of everyone to get it . I was so proud of him and he had no idea he was getting it.


This Spring Nathan played baseball for a Dierkers Champs team, the Dragons. We have heard of Dierkers Champs around here and how they are supposed to be a good group of kids who focus not just on baseball but doing good in the community. It is party of Cy Fair but more of a friendship type team where players are picked rather than put on teams by which school they go to . We were very excited that we were on the team with some of our good friends. The season started out with opening day where all the kids got to do a parade with all the Cy Fair teams. There were sno cones, bounce houses, hotdogs, and lots of fun. After that we started our games. I am so proud of Nathan and how serious he takes things. He really tried hard and always listened and payed attention in the dug out like he was supposed to . I know at such a young age it is hard to concentrate on a game like baseball that has lots of waiting:) It was a great Season and we can't wait for spring to come around again!

Program at School!

The boys had their Spring Program at school this week and it was so sweet!!! It was a bit sad for me since this will be Nathan's last program since he is going to Kindergarten next year!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHH. Nathan was into the songs and hand motions as usual and did a great job. Nolan started out great and got distracted along the way. At one point in the show he decided to just turn his back to the audience since he wasn't feeling it. ah ah ah After the show they had an art gallery set up with all of the kids art work they had made throughout the year. Nathan had a Jackson Pollock inspired painting hanging right in the middle of the show! It was so fun watching my sweet boys at their play. I love these programs and am going to miss these sweet shows in a few years when they are grown and out of St. Johns :(

Easter 2012

We had a great Easter this year. The boys woke up to find all the treats the Easter Bunny had left them. They were very excited and a little over spoiled by that darn bunny again. After we played a bit we headed out to Mimi and Papa;s house to eat lunch and have an easter egg hung at their house. WE meet up with Kathy , Richard, and Chad to chow down. The boys ate really fast so they wouldn't be late for the big hunt! Daddy and Nathan spotted the Golden egg before the hunt started and had a plan to get it. Well when they blew the whistle another little kid had the same plan and got to it first. I tried to take it as a perfect time to show that cheating never pays off. Well Daddy and Nathan weren't hearing it and were very upset that the other "older" child was clearly not even in the correct egg hunting group. ah ah aha. You win some you loose some eh. After the fiasco we hunted for some more eggs. Nolan would stop and open every single egg and try to eat the candy. He loves his candy and just couldn't wait till the end. Nathan was on a mad dash to get all he could. After the hunt we got to see the easter bunny and play on the playground for a bit. It was pretty toasty so we headed back to Mimi's house for a quick rest. While the kids were resting Aunt Kathy and Chad hid some more eggs out side for the little ones to hunt. They woke up and went at it again. It was so much fun and they had a great time. I think even Chad forgot where some were hidden and had to help out the boys find em. It was such a nice laid back day full of smiles with the family :)

Nolan is 3!

Nolan's birthday was at Great Play this year!!! It was one of our first birthdays and was so fun to celebrate with all of our friends. We started off the party with the sports intros that is like running out into a sports game. After we did an obstacle course, hide and seek, treasure hunts, red light green light and pin ball. We had so much fun . At the end of the party everyone even got gold medals for being so awesome and doing such a great job. Next it was time for CAKE!!!! We had our amazing cake lady make us another perfect cake. The theme was sports so she made it with all the different balls and Buddy on top of the cake. It was a wonderful day with all of our great friends and family.