What is summer without a baseball game? Thats what we said ! We loaded the boys up and took them out to the ball game. They got dressed in all their best Astros gear and were excited for the big game! We scored awesome seats behind the dugout so the boys were right up close to the game. Nathan even got a ball !!! It was the highlight of the day and he is so excited to put it up in his new room on display. I LOVE LOVE LOVE special days with the family like these.
Over the summer we started a bead jar for the boys. They would get little beads to put in a jar for doing things like chores, acting nice to each other, learning new things, etc. Once the jar was full the deal was that they would get to go to Sea World and Six Flags. They finally filled up that huge jar and we got to go on a fun trip to San Antonio!
The first day we got there and checked into the hotel. We all were itching to get out so we walked over to the river walk. We went on the boat tour all around the river and ate a yummy dinner. We headed back to get to bed for our fun days ahead.
The first park we hit up was Fiesta Texas. We had such a fun time. Nathan and Daddy rode every roller coaster they could while Nolan and I had to stick to the 42 inches and unders. Some of the favorites were the water ride that completely soaked us all. The boys even stood on the bridge after to get soaked again. Nathan was so sweet and stood really close to Nolan to make sure the water didnt knock him down since it was pretty powerful. By the end of the day everyone was exhausted but had such a great time. We grabbed a yummy dinner and headed back to get settled in.
Then next day was Sea World. It was another fun day of Roller coasters and fun. We took it slow and watched a couple shows . The boys loved the Sea Lion show. I am so proud of their hard work to earn such a fun treat. I had the best time watching them and how much fun they have riding rides and having a blast.
Nathan started playing basketball this summer and loves it! He has done such a great job getting in there where he is usually pretty stand offish. He even has this cool move where he blocks people out with his booty and it actually works every time! He says that basketball is his favorite sport so I am sure our major Rockets fan Daddy loves to hear that. Looks like he will have a new friend to take to the games.
Check out this handsome kindergarten graduate! What a stud. This year has flown by and am so proud of my little man. He has done an amazing job and has learned so much this year.