Nathan turned the big 7 and he knew exactly what kind of party we wanted for months, it was of course a STAR WARS party! I put my thinking cap on and had to ask daddy lots of questions to help with this one. First thing was first we had to have light sabers! Nathan had such a great time with his friends and they even had a light saber introduction where he ran through all of them with their sabers in the air with the lights out! It was awesome! After that the boys played lots of games like pinball, football, throwing walls, and of course basketball. When it was finally time for food and cake ( cake pops in this case ) they were all wiped out. To me that is a sign of an awesome party.
We had lots of star wars themed food for the kids including Hans Sandwiches, Vader Veggies, Princess Lays Chips, Rebel Chow and more! The kids dug right in and so did the parents. Instead of cake or cupcakes I tried something new and made Cake pops in three different flavors to go with Yoda, Obi Wan, and Darth Vader. I made a small cake for Nathan to blow out his candle on and everyone got to pick the flavor of pop they wanted. Just in case the pops didn't recharge the kids I had lots of sweets for them. Some to choose from were Yoda Force Roll Ups, Hans Rolos, Chewy Ewoks,and Marshmallows decorated like R2D2 and C3PO. Nathan really enjoyed the different star wars food and liked telling his friends what they were. When it was time to leave we sent all of our friends home with star wars cups full of goodies, light sabers and a Hans Soapo that we made for the special day.
If you know me you know how much I love doing the parties for the boys. I think it is getting so much cooler as they get a little older and are really starting to get into the little themes. I know it wont be much longer till Nate is to cool for parties like these so I am soaking it up as much as I can now. I love my little Padawan so much and am not ready for another year of him growing up ! Maybe I should talk to Yoda about this? I am sure there is something he can do with his force and all that.