After the big parade the kids met up in the pumpkin patch ( gym) . Nolan was in the first group to pick out a pumpkin since he is in the youngest class. He was running around picking up and putting down all of them. He handed Mrs. Kama a pumpkin . She wrote his name on it and placed it on the cart to go back to class. Nolan saw her and must have thought it looked like a great idea. He started picking up every pumpkin and loading them up on the carts. I just kept putting them back until I realized he was getting pretty fast. Mrs. Kama said to Nolan that we needed to leave some for the rest of the kids. Well that was NOT what he wanted to hear. He immediately ripped of his hat and necklace and stomped off. From the look on every ones face I am pretty sure they have never told him no before. He was not calming down either. They tried to take a group picture but he was still ticked off and wanted to get out of there. I helped walk him back to class and had to disappear. Nathans class went much later since he is so old now :( He obviously had no problem since he is an old pro at the pumpkin picking.
When I got back to pick them up for the day Nolan was sitting on his mat in the best mood. I said oh thank goodness to Mrs Kama. She was laughing about his little outburst earlier.It really was funny because he was just so dramatic.
Nathan was so excited to see us . He had gone trick or treating to all of the classrooms and got some really fun goodies! He also got to make a really cool witch hat in his Spanish class with super fun glasses that Mrs Angela brought for all the kiddos.
After school we ran our errands and Nathan made sure to wear his hat everywhere we went. He got lots and lots of compliments on it. We then met Daddy for a fun dinner night. Nathan said he needed to wear his hat so the chefs could see it. He also picked out a special piece of candy for daddy from his treat bag :)
It was such a fun Harvest Day!
My little pumpkin and bat.