The Museum in Sugarland is having a special exhibit on Robots. It is actually from an animated movie named Robots that Nathan really likes and watches all the time. We kept forgetting about it and just realized it is almost over. We decided to get into gear or we were going to miss it. Friday after Nathan got out of school we loaded up and headed that way. It was pretty darn neat! They had a few of the robots from the movie in a glass case to look at. There was also a special ride that you could sit in and go through robot city. Nolan absolutely loved this! There was a green button to push that made the ride start. The seat would rumble a little and wind would blow like they were really driving. Nolan stayed on this most of the time pressing the green button over and over and over , laughing every time. Some other cool things they had set up were stations like make your own robot, domino's, mechanical robots that you could control , and displays of robots throughout the years. Nathan thought it was pretty cool to make his own robot. Once he had the parts together he was able to hook the motor up to the power and make it run! Once the boys had checked everything we headed out to wander around. The museum had a neat little blow up planetarium set up in the middle of the floor. We walked in and they turned on a movie about space! Nathan quickly decided he was not having it! We walked out and after a little coaxing he decided that he wanted to watch the movie. We went in and laid on the floor and stared into space! Nolan really liked it . He was pretty amazed, it is the longest I have ever seen him sit still in his entire life!
Next we headed to the dinosaurs! Who doesn't love dinosaurs. This museum also has a dino pit where you can dig for dinosaur bones. The boys were so excited and hoped right in. As usual Nathan seriously headed to work. Nolan threw mulch. Nolan laughed. Nolan threw more mulch. Nathan discovered a dinosaur!
It was so much fun and I am so glad we got in gear and made it before it was over.

Nathan posing with Ratchet ( the good guy).

Nolan and that green button .

The boys riding through Robot City.

Nathan's robot.

Nolan working the mechanical robots.
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