Last week while playing at Mimi and Papa’s house Papa had a great idea. He wanted to go to the Blue Bell factory with the boys!! Sounded great to me, for some reason we have never been . Can you believe that!? We tried to go one time when my parents were visiting but we had no clue they didn’t do tours all the time. We pretty much went to an empty building.
YEsterday we headed out to Brenham. Papa had his friend give us a special VIP tour. The boys were really interested in watching all the machines and how the ice cream was made. Nolan kept yelling “Ice Cream Truck” at every machine. He then saw a picture of popsicles on the wall and it was over. From that point on all he would yell was Popsicle , Popsicle
Nathan was very serious as usual taking it all in. He had a great time. When Mr. Steve tried to take us behind the scenes Nathan panicked. He doesn't like loud noises and it was pretty loud with all those big machines. Nolan saw Nathan panic so of course he decided he should too. We quickly headed back out to the quiet area we had just left!
After the tour we got to pick out an ice cream treat. Nathan picked a crazy looking concoction called Krazy Kookie Dough. It was all different colors and quite bright. I snuck a taste and have to say it was really good!
Nolan split butter pecan with me and pretty much sampled everyone else's.
When the ice cream was gone Mimi took the boys into the gift shop and bought them all kinds of goodies.
When we left Blue Bell Papa drove us to the Brenham airport to eat. It was so neat! They had an old time diner where the girls wore poodle skirts. The best part of it all were the planes everywhere. As we were leaving one was getting ready to take off. We got to watch it start up the engines, drive down the runway and take off! The boys were so excited to watch it and Nathan said that was the first plane he had ever seen fly like that!
After the airport the boys were pretty pooped. Papa took us through town to show us the old Blue Bell factor where he worked when he first started. WE also drove by a neat fire truck museum that had an old fire truck carriage out front from the late eighteen hundreds.
The boys had a blast and first thing this morning Nathan was up wearing his blue bell had serving up ice cream to everyone. Nolan has been running around telling everyone about ice cream trucks every since.