We meet the girls at Claire’s grand parents house where we swam and meet our other friends Hogan and Henry!
The kids had such a great time. Nathan and Claire always pair up and seem like they haven't missed a beat. After swimming and visiting we headed to the hotel to check in and get settled. The room was very nice and had a living room and bedroom separated by doors. It was perfect for my guys who like to have their own space. I put Nolan’s crib in the living room and locked all the doors. Nathan and I went into the bedroom where he fell asleep pretty quickly. Around midnight I heard the front door trying to be opened . I jumped up and guess what I saw? Nolan had gotten up and decided to leave the room. Thank goodness I know him and made sure the top lock was locked! I had a feeling my little escape artist would try to break free. The next night we switched rooms. Nate and Nolan slept in the bedroom and I did border patrol in the living room.
The next day our friends came to the hotel to hang out with us. They had a nice little children's pool that they could all run around in . Even the little ones got in on the fun and had a great time. We spent the rest of the day with our friends and then Claire and Madeleine came back to our room to rest with us. Katherine is a real baby whisperer! ha ha ha . She somehow managed to get NOlan and Madeleine to sleep in the same bed. While she was working her magic Nathan and Claire relaxed and watched a movie. Nathan even gave Claire his Holly Shiftwell car. If you know Nathan that is a pretty big deal!
After everyone was well rested we meet back up at this fun restaurant that had a huge play area for the kids. Needless to say after all the running and playing their was no battling at night time.
The last day we decided to meet up at the zoo. The kids were so excited. The moms not so much..... it had to be at least 120 degrees! ha ha ha. The boys had a great time hanging out with their friends and seeing the animals. When it was time to go it was very sad. I always feel so bad at the end of our little trips. Nathan doesn’t really know what is going on until after we leave but poor Claire does. Her little eyes get watery and I about loose it. :( I told Nathan we can go visit her this winter when it snows at her house! He was very excited and told me all the different pieces of clothing he would need for the snow. Nathan has already drawn a picture to mail to Claire of them skiing on a mountain.

Claire made this picture for Nathan that he is holding in his hand. Soooo sweet! When we got home he showed daddy and it straight to his room for safe keeping.

1 comment:
Awwww, we miss you guys SO MUCH!!!
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