We just got back from a week in Cabo with Mimi and Papa and boy are we tired!
Both boys did great on the plane and couldn't wait to get there. When we finally arrived we realized they had lost Nolan's bag! Oh no. We went ahead and left our info and checked into the hotel. They told us it was probably on the next flight and not to worry.
Well the next flight had come and gone and still no bag. Poor Nolan had to swim in Nathans underwear on our balcony. They wanted to go to the big pool but I couldn't take him in his underwear. That night when daddy and papa got back from golf we headed to the main store in town , Wal Mart to pick up Nolan supplies. First thing on the list was swim shorts so he could play in the water. Well they had swim shorts but not the ones we are used to . They were borderline speedos and ADORABLE! Nolan looked like a Baywatch Beauty in his hot pants.
The next day we headed to the pool and wore ourselves out. The boys had a great time just playing in the water most days.One of Nathan's favorite things about Mexico is the swim up bar in the pool . At random times he will say things like " MOmmy, do you remember that pool with seats in it where you get smoothies ? That is fun." So of course had to stop at the swim up bar and get my little man his fancy smoothie. We went a few times throughout the week and he thought he was so cool sitting at the bar. Him and Daddy would sit there for a bit just hanging out drinking their drinks. It was so cute to see them chatting it up at the bar.
That day when Daddy got in from golf we headed to the beach. The waves on this side of the beach are pretty strong and loud. Both boys didn't like it last year and they didn't like it this time either. Nathan picked up some shells and threw some rocks with Daddy but that was it. Nolan wouldn't even get close to the water. We figured we should just head back to the pool and play some more.
The next day we did our usual swim in the morning and in the afternoon we went to swim with Dolphins. We had done this last year and Nathan had asked again so we signed em up. This one was a different place that was actually in the ocean which I thought was pretty neat. We got there and walked out to the pier where the dolphins are . When we got there both boys were a little scared but Daddy jumped in with Nolan. Nathan stayed on the pier for a bit to make sure it was okay. Once he was comfortable he hoped in and had a blast. Our dolphins name was Shelly and she was really pretty!
Nolan had a great time splashing with the dolphin but after that he wasn't really amused anymore.
Nathans favorite part was throwing a basketball to Shelly and her bringing it back. When we were done playing and petting the dolphin we loaded up and headed out to eat.
We went to this restaurant called the Office. It was the perfect place for us. I wish we would have eaten here earlier in the trip so we could have gone more than once. It was right one the beach. Our table was seriously maybe 10 feet from the water. The weather was beautiful and had such a nice breeze . Vendors would walk up and down the beach which I thought was fun . The boys spotted a man selling batman and spiderman masks! How could you resist such fun treats so we talked daddy into buying them. They put them on and thought they were so cool. I am pretty sure Nathan thinks no one knows it is him when he has it on. After we ate our delicious food Nathan and I headed out to the water. He actually had a great time playing in the water here since the waves were so gentle. Nolan still sat at the table not wanting to get in. Daddy finally got him to run around in the water with him . After about 10 minutes he slipped free and fell face first into the water. Now we had a soaking wet Nolan full of sand! ha hahaa. He didn't care about the fall and I am pretty sure he was happy to take his shirt off. When we got back to the hotel the boys were pooped from such a busy day and passed out right away.
The next day was our last day here. We tried to squeeze in a little more beach and pool time before we had to head to the airport. I thought the boys would have fallen asleep on the plane but they never did but by the time we got home that night it was after nine and their eyes were barely staying open. I think Nolan feel asleep before he even hit the pillow.
We had such a fun time as usual and Nathan has already asked when we can go back to his Mexico house.

Nolan drinking his morning smoothie on the balcony.

Nathan cracks me up. This pool is the one on the balcony that is maybe 3 feet deep. He insisted on floats and goggles.

1 comment:
Looks like you had a great time. Nolan is so cute in his hot pants! :0)
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