You are still surprising us everyday with you big brain and even bigger heart.
You are in pre school right now and loving it. You have turned into such a big boy overnight. You are sooooo much like your daddy and it seems that everyone except you two see this.
Anytime you really like something or Love someone you tell us that you love it "One Hundred Seventeen Thirty Nine". If anyone is ever told that you love them this much it is a pretty big compliment. It makes me giggle every time I hear you say it.
You love Cars and Dressing up like policemen, firemen, superheroes, pretty much anything that saves something or someone.
You have a wild imagination and love learning about everything. You are big into space and ramble off random facts about planets when we read your space books.
When I ask you what you want to be when you grow up you tell me " A superhero Daddy and the Boss". I think you would be a wonderful Boss and Superhero Daddy one day.
You are a wonderful big brother who loves Nolan so much. I am so happy he has you to look up to.
I am so sad that you are growing so fast but can't wait to see what a wonderful person you are going to be.
We are so proud of you and love you more than you will ever know.
Happy Birthday Sweet Nate!!!

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