Nate went for his 5 year check up this week and he is doing great!
He is 46 inches which puts him in the 95th percentile for height and 43 pounds which is 65th percentile. So pretty much tall and skinny :)
The doctor said according to his stats now he will be 6'3" when he grows up but if he uses Kyle and my height he will be 5'10"! pretty big difference huh. I guess we will wait and see. I have a feeling he will be like his daddy who was huge until high school.
He is healthy and doing great in all areas. The one thing I need to work on with him is his phone number! Can you believe I haven't taught him his phone number. It never even crossed my mind until they asked if he knew it. UH OH! In my defense , the doctor even agreed, in this day and age who really knows more than one or two phone numbers?
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