Nathan woke up that morning and said "Mommy I am sooooooooooo excited it is Halloween tonight. I am going to go to one hundred, thousand , ten houses and get candy! " We had to scale back on those numbers a bit. he he he.
Nathan had a busy day of school and reading class. We got home around 4. I said okay boys you have to get some rest so we can have enough energy for all of this trick or treating. Well they tried but no one got any rest. They were so excited. Mimi and Papa came over and even brought us dinner! Happy Halloween to me! They also brought lots of Halloween treats for the boys including space goldfish!!!! Their favorite by far was the super cool space lights she brought them. They have been playing with them non stop.
After we all ate the boys were so ready to put on their costumes. Oh did I tell you what adorable things they were this year????? Nathan was an astronaut and Nolan was his Rocket ship! Nathan LOVES space and so that means Nolan does too. Nolan sings his moon song every time he sees the moon so now he said he would blast off to the moon. We got everyone put together and headed on our way. Nolan was a little unsure until he realized his sweet neighbors were loading him up with candy!!!! He kind of looked at Nathan like why didn't you tell me about this ?
Nathan was so excited and going so fast we could barely keep up . Poor Nolan had a time where he just seemed like he was out of fuel but luckily he got his second wind and caught back up to finish out the street.
It as so cute because a few neighbors asked Nathan if he had been to the moon and without thinking he replied " Yes?" like why wouldn't he have been he is an astronaut after all. Nolan would quickly shout out " I Rocket Ship"!
Another awesome fun day with my super cute space boys!!!!!

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