The fourth day of the trip we meet Granny, Grandpa and Cameron for some Animal Kingdom fun . We figured it would be one of the less hectic days since there is a lot of walking and not to many attractions.
We started by going on the Safari. We rode on a neat Jeep/Safari car ( pretty sure this is not the official name ) through the savannah. We saw zebras, giraffes, lions, hippos, and baby elephants! They were so cute and Nolan really loved them . We ran and got something to eat since the kids were starving. Poor guys were all off of schedule and their moods showed it. After a little refueling they were ready to go. We went over to the Dino Land area where mine and Kyle's favorite ride is. It is like a big carnival ride that is just cool! We were so excited to let Nathan ride it . We walked up and they said he wasn't tall enough! Can you believe that? All of the rides this guy can ride and this one that isn't even all that crazy he can't? Trying not to let him get disappointed we quickly changed to the flying dinosaur ride that everyone could ride. We played some carnival games and went to the new roller coaster ride they have. Granny loaded the boys up with bags of gummy bears and the rest of us got to ride . It was pretty fun and the boys seemed to have a good time watching everyone come down the mountain outside.
The next ride was a water ride that Nathan had considered going on earlier and then backed out. While we were on the roller coaster him and Granny had talked about it a little more and he said he wanted to ride it. Nolan was even tall enough to ride so it was going to be fun! Nathan of course needed to wear his poncho since there was a chance he would get wet. We got suited up and got in line. Halfway through he was starting to reconsider riding. We bribed him with a big Mickey Mouse ice cream when he was done. He was thinking about it when it was our turn. We just moved really fast and buckled him in before he could change his mind. Well guess what he loved it. Nolan did not. He was very mad he got wet. He was fine the whole time and then a big spray of water squirted him and he was not okay with that. The good thing is he didn't cry he was just mad. We quickly found an ice cream cart to make good on our deal . Both boys picked the Mickey Mouse treats . They of course melted all over but that is half of the fun right ? :)
We then walked to the camp Micky area where the Lion King show was and all of the characters. We were just in time for the show as we were rushing in the lights went down and Nathan panicked . It was a little frustrating because he isn't scared of the dark he is just so scared of unfamiliar things and the noise that comes with these shows. Well the sweet lady that worked there tried to talk him into going in . He finally got up to the door when the fire tossing started. Yep ...... he was out of there! As soon as Nolan sensed some danger he was also gone. ha haha ha. We all packed up and headed down to where the characters were. We saw Mickey Mouse, Mrs. Bunny, Daisy Duck ( Nolan's Favorite ), and Rafiki. Our of all the characters I thought Rafiki might be a little scary for Nolan but he acted like they were best friends with hugs and all.
We realized it was getting close to parade time! We found a spot to squeeze our group and double wide stroller into . Luckily there was a flamingo exhibit behind our spot. The boys spent the wait time hanging out with them. The zookeeper was talking to Nathan about flamingos and asked him if he knew why they were pink . My little man replied " because they eat shrimps"! She was very impressed, he then continued to say " I like shrimps too, but I don't turn pink when I eat them."
The kid isn't lying, he loves him some shrimps.
The parade music started and they settled in to watch the parade. Nolan didn't seem to really know what was happening. Once he realized he had the best expression on his face! They were both so excited to see all of the characters in neat animal floats! Since it was right before Christmas it was the Christmas Jungle parade complete with snow spraying from Donald's float! Nolan got so excited when he saw Donald Duck and kept yelling " It's Donald, It's Donald!" Nathan liked them all and would wave and say hit to them but I think Mickey is still his number one man.
After the parade we got out of there. It was so crowded and the boys were just in a grouchy mood. They needed some sleep . We said goodbye to everyone and hopped on the bus to the hotel. We got back and the boys and momma passed out!
When we got up we decided to head over to the Hollywood Studios for the special hours. They were open till midnight so we thought it would be a good time to check out some things we didn't get to see earlier and eat some dinner.
We got there and grabbed some dinner. The boys were ready for some action after those bellies were full. We were walking by and heard some music coming from the area that had the Playhouse Disney show from he other day. We walked in and it was a little dance club for the kids. It was so cool! They had the characters dancing with all the kids. They had Balloon animals, Confetti, even a real DJ. The kids had a blast! They danced with Handy Manny when we first walked in . After they warmed up a bit other characters came out. Micky and Goofy stole the show . At one point Nolan went up to Mickey and grabbed his hands and just started dancing with him. He cracks me up when he does things like this because he was acting so shy seconds before. After a few minutes he just let go and said by like okay Mickey thats enough. Nathan was behind him line dancing with Goofy. It really was probably the coolest thing they did out of everything on our trip . Of course I have NO pictures of it. Kyle has a video but it turns out some dorky mom was making these crazy faces and some weird gyrating trying to get her kids excited to dance. Some people should not leave the house . ha ha ha ha
We then walked around just enjoying the night. There is a little walk through deal they have where you can see models of Disney and learn about Walt Disney. I seriously feel like no one ever goes in this place. I worked there for who knows how long and NEVER even stepped foot in here. Well we went in . Turns out that Nathan really liked looking at all the models. We spent quite a while in here and even stayed to watch a movie about Walt Disney and his life. I feel a little guilty for trying to skip it and even whined a bit when Kyle wanted to go in. It was quite interesting. Next we went through another place that no one ever goes to. I learned my lesson from before so I did not object this time. It was the animation area that had lots of little things for the boys to do . Guess what? It was empty! ha ha ha.
One of the things was where you sang to the computer and it played it in the movie you picked. There was another that told you what character you were. Nolan pressed the wrong button at some point because he was Ariel. Nathan was Buzz Lightyear! We played around and colored some pictures on the computer before it was time to head out. It was rainy and late so we called it a night.
As I am writing these I think wow I feel like we never stopped. Kyle just informed me that we didn't mess around! ha ah ha. I do think he is right.
Oh MY!!! I almost forgot the highlight of the day for me! So as we were getting off the Savannah ride you walk through this big zoo like area . Well I heard someone say something about Doogie Howser. In my head I thought what the heck are they talking about because well I am nosy and listen to people all the time. Well then I look ahead and see Neal Patrick Harris!!!!!! Seriously ! I don't know if you know this or not but I LOVE him. Like LOVE him. I was so excited. I went into stalker mode but come on we all know I don't have those kind of skills. Here is the picture I took. I am pretty sure TMZ will not be requesting my services anytime soon. My mom was like Kellie go say something and I was like no way!!! It is NPH. I don't know if she realized the coolness we were dealing with here .
Oh and to top it off as I was trying to be stealthy my camera fogged up since it was like 90 degrees and humid as heck out there! Really camera.......... really?

Your jealous right? h ah ah aha ha .
Here are the other pictures of some celebrities I do know :)