We slept a little late this day since we had a late night before . We made our way over to the other hotel in the Animal Kingdom to eat breakfast. We sat out by the pool and stuffed our faces with yummy Mickey Mouse waffles and all the fixings. We then walked around and then hopped on a bus to the Magic Kingdom! When we first got there we were told the characters were off past the entrance . We saw a small line and thought oh who could that be? We got closer and it was Santa Claus! As we were waiting for our turn Nathan was going over his list with me while Nolan was quickly losing patience. Lucky for us the line was short and we were there in no time. Nolan was star struck. Nathan was very sweet and talked to him about all kinds of stuff. Nolan was really good with him too. He was chatting it up and was so excited to get a candy cane! Santa took their autograph book and drew a christmas tree and told them to color it in for him when they got home. It was so neat and Santa really spent a long time with them talking about all sorts of things Christmas.
That was enough for us to complete the day but we figured since we were here we might as well do some stuff. :)
We started to walk into the park and realized we were just in time for the parade. We hung out and watched the fun holiday parade. The weather was pretty nasty this day and we were just hoping the rain wouldn’t be to heavy. It stayed pretty light so we were able to do most things.
The boys wanted to climb through the Swiss Family Robinson house so we took a quick climb and look around. I am pretty sure Nathan now wants to move into a tree house.
We just sort of wandered around to see what we came across. Nolan was in a pretty bad mood this day so we were just trying to keep him happy. We saw the Pirates of The Caribbean ride and it was empty! It worked out great because Nathan would have backed out while he was waiting in the long dark line and Nolan would not have waited in any line at this point. They both really liked it and thought it was funny. When we got off they picked out a hook and a little wood gun ( I know, I know, a gun??? that is what they picked out of everything in the store ). Nathan and Nolan both play pirates at home all the time and love to be Captain Hook.
We stopped and ate some lunch and then went back on our way . Next stop was the Tomorrow-land Speedway! Nathan was very excited to drive his own race car! We waited in a long line for this but it was probably one of the top rides on Nathan’s list. Lucky for him he got the red car, his favorite color. The funny thing is I always thought these were pretty easy to drive. They are on a track but you still have a good 2 feet on each side to steer. I made the mistake of letting Nolan drive our car. I should have reconsidered when I saw he couldn’t see over the steering wheel. He had a great time but I am very surprised we didn’t need a neck brace when we left.
They have a fairly new Buzz Light year ride that we grabbed a fast pass for to skip the line. Since we had some time before our pass we went and rode all the classic rides like the Teacups and It’s A Small World. Poor Nolan was having a really hard time and was in a crummy mood. I know he was sleepy from his crazy vacation schedule. I felt so bad for him because he just couldn’t seem to relax. I know this is crazy but I decided to just cave in a get this poor guy a paci. He has been really good since he gave it up a while ago but he still asks for it every now and then. Kyle and Nathan went into the Monsters Inc. Comedy show while I ran to the front of the park to buy a paci.
I got there and Nolan heard me ask the woman for a paci and he let out a sigh. He unwrapped it and had it stuck in his mouth before I could even pay. This poor guy has a major addiction.
We meet back up with the boys who told us how funny the show was. Nathan was giggling and telling me jokes he heard in the show.
It was finally time for us to ride the Buzz LIghtyear RIde! We got into our little spaceships that had space blasters to get Zurg with . It kept score and at the end you could see your score and what level you were at. It was really cool and they liked it. Nathan was scared at first since it was dark and loud but warmed up about halfway through. After we rode some more little fun rides including Winnie the Pooh one. After we stopped for a snack . The boys and I picked some popcorn and daddy got a churro. We all really liked Daddy’s churro! ha ha ha. It was soooooo good.
On the way out Kyle tried to talk them into riding the haunted mansion. I said it was a bad idea but Nathan said he wanted to . Well Kyle forgot about the very beginning where they put you in a room and the lights go off and the room shrinks. Both boys flipped out and we had to escape out of the emergency exit. This was our cue to go.We went ahead and made our way back to the hotel . We thought it was be fun to ride the monorail so we hopped on . The problem was we got off at the wrong place to get back to the hotel . The kids were about to loose it so instead of riding on another two busses we finally got a taxi. After that little detour we were finally back and so ready for a rest. Now that Nolan had his paci he had the best nap ever.
That night Granny and Grandpa met us for dinner at the restaurant in the hotel. It was a pretty cool restaurant and the food was good .It was African themed which was different and fun to try in a place like Disney.
We walked around outside where they had a fire and the night goggles to see the animals . It was so nice and quiet and Nolan kept yelling for his Giraffes. He would say “ I see them , I see them, ........Noooooo”. ah ha ha. It was off to bed to get ready for Epcot and some more fun tomorrow.

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