Christmas Eve was very fun this year. Everyone came over to our house for some Fajitas and all the fixings! After our bellies were full we moved into the living room for some presents. Everyone sat around and watched the presents each person was opening. Nathan was right in the middle! He is so funny because he now seems to know the routine. Before now you would have to kind of show him or let him know to open. This year he was running and reading names and handing them out to people. I am excited / sad that he is getting big enough to read the names on the packages. When did all this happen? I was sure he would need my assistance for much longer than 5 years. :)
Nolan was not very into it? I am not sure with Nolan sometimes . I think it might have just been to much going on with trying to see what everyone else was doing and then not realizing he needed to open his.
He would open one and just want to play with that. I think we all could have saved major money this year by buying him one present. ha ha ha.
The boys got all kinds of goodies including costumes which they love, a Rock and Roll Elmo, Footballs, Angry Bird blankets! , and tons more .
They both love to play Angry Birds which is a game on the ipone but they play a home made version where they throw pillows at each other and pretend to be the birds. Well the cool blankets they got go over their head and look like the birds! They have been so funny with them. When Nolan opened his he laid it on the ground and pretended to be asleep. He now sleeps with it every night .
After all the presents and playing the boys put on their new pajamas they had just opened. Nolan was Spiderman and Nathan was Captain America. We did have Christmas pajamas but these were much cooler to the boys. It was getting pretty late so daddy looked up to see where Santa was on the computer. He was getting pretty close so the boys scrambled to get the cookies and carrots ( for the reindeer) out so they could get to bed.They also had to tell Charlie goodbye since he would be going home to the North Pole with Santa tonight. They are so cute and sweet and told him how much fun they had with him and they will miss him till next year.
Then off to bed it was for the boys. I am sure they were dreaming of Sugar Plum Fairies until the next morning ..............