Nolan was still out of it so just sat and watched while Nathan opened up his presents. He was going so fast. I feel like he took a class on present opening at school? He was excited about everything. He had made a list for Santa and pretty much got what he had asked for. I think it was only about 5 things which made it very easy . He got the Toy Story space ship, Legos, Science Kit, Microscope and a Telescope! Nolan got a pair of Toy Story boots. He was so excited when he opened them . He put them on right away and wears them everywhere! He really loves those boots. He also got a new station that goes to his Chuggington set. He loves to play with these trains and it is he only thing we know he loves. He has pretty much every single piece so I was very excited they came out with the new one before Christmas! It blows smoke when the train pulls in so he loves it. He also got a remote control Brewster that goes with the Chuggington stuff. The boys got a ton of things and are so spoiled it is ridiculous! I am so happy they are so sweet and all in all great kids so I don't mind if Santa feels the need to reward them. :)
One last present that was waiting for them was from Charlie! It had a sweet letter about how he loved spending the holidays with them and how good they are. He told them his favorite thing to do was watching them dance and their cool moves . He left them a Nickelodeon Dance Game for the Xbox! He told Nathan to keep up the good work at school and with his reading and reminded them to listen to their parents and for Nolan to work on his potty training ( hey you have to do what you can right? )
They were so excited Charlie left them a note and loved the game. After all the excitement we ate some breakfast and got to spend a nice morning with Mimi and Papa. After a while we all got dressed and ready to head over to Kathy and Richard's for lunch. It was YUMMY! Richard had made a fried Turkey and had all the fixings to go with it. Kathy had made some sweet potatoes that I just couldn't get enough of! They were sooooo good and I don't think there were any left after we got ahold of them. ha ha ha.
We spent the day hanging out and eating. It was very nice and relaxing and a perfect ending to the holidays!
I love the holidays and can't believe how fast they come and are done with . I wish we could have Christmas for a whole week. Wouldn't that be nice? I am sure there are two little boys I live with who would jump on that plan! :)

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