Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Christmas parties at school

It's Christmas time! We LOVE Christmas time around this house. The boys both had some super fun Christmas parties at school. Nathans was first . It started off in the classroom with a fun game of candy bingo. After they were good and sugared up they headed into the cafeteria for some more holiday fun. They made necklaces, reindeer food and got to hang out with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Nathan had such a good time .and I love being able to see him in his school setting with friends. They are so cute and I love how sweet they are to each other.
Nolans party was next. This one was not short on holiday sugar either. They started out with a little program to sing happy birthday to Jesus and ended with cutting his birthday cake. The little ones then went back into the classrooms where cupcakes were waiting for them. After they made a cool Jesus necklace and had a photo booth set up with super cute Christmas props. He of course had a great time also. I know they are both going to miss all of their friends and teachers over the long Christmas break.

I love being able to see them in their school settings with friends. They are so cute and I love how sweet they are to each other.

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