Last week was the beginning of school ! This is Nolan's first year and he has Nathan's first teachers Mrs. Kama and Mrs. Sandra.
They are the sweetest ladies and honestly he probably wouldn't be there if I knew he had different teachers. We were so worried about him and how he would feel about it. He has been tagging along dropping off and picking up Nathan for a while, so our school isn't really a new place to him. Nolan has very strong opinions about some things and I was hoping this wouldn't be one.
We went to meet the teacher on Wednesday and he was not having any part of it! He clung onto Kyle the whole time . He was making sure that he was not being left anywhere. We visited his classroom for a little bit and then moved to Nathan's new classroom to meet his teacher Mrs . Cindy. We also visited our favorite Music teacher Mrs Judy and Spanish teacher Mrs. Angela! Nathan sure does love his music class and Mrs Judy so I am thinking Nolan can feel the excitement from Nathan.
The first day quickly came around. Nathan was up and ready to go like a big boy. Nolan followed along not really knowing where we were going.
We loaded up and got to school. The boys were both excited!!! We took Nolan to his classroom first. He seemed very unsure . Luckily Nathan was very comfortable in his old classroom with his favorite teachers. Nolan seemed to warm up very quickly so Nathan and I snuck out to go to his room. We then headed down to Nathan's room, we didn't want to be late on our first day. Nathan was very excited to see one of his best buds Lance was in his class this year! I am so happy because his other good friend Hogan had to change schools. Him and Lance get along so good and have the same personalities. Nathan is also taking a special Friday class where they speak spanish 80 percent of the day. He has really picked up a lot and we thought he would like it. He has only been once so far but really enjoyed it. Mrs. Angela is his weekly Spanish teacher but she also teaches this special class so that makes it super fun for him too. He gets her for a whole 3 hours instead of his normal 20 minutes once a week .
When I got back to pick up my guys I got to Nolan's room first. I was so worried about him and just imagined him crying all day long. I walked in and they said he had passed out on his nap mat and had just woken up from his nap! They said he had a great day and even ate his lunch like a big boy. On his note they sent home it said he thought painting was really funny and kept laughing. I was so happy for him!!!!! We went to pick up Nathan next and he had a great day too! He is so happy to be back in school . I love seeing them so happy learning and playing!