Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Nate!

Today my baby turns 4. I cannot even start to tell you how fast these 4 years has flown by. It is hard to remember our lives before we had him but even more unbelievable that he has been here for 4 years! It is to fast and I wish it could slow down.
WE are so proud of the little guy he is and I can't wait to see who he will grow into. He is one amazing little boy. I know I am a proud momma but he always surprises me with things he knows and what he does.
He is so sweet and has a heart of gold. He is the most wonderful big brother I have ever seen. He is smarter than I could imagine and sweeter than I could have asked. I hope he always knows how much we love and adore him!
Happy Birthday Nathan !!!!!!


Reese&Saige said...

So sweet! Love seeing him as a baby! Happy Birthday nathan!

Amy said... sweet! Happy birthday Nathan! Allison misses you!

Bella and Kenna's Mommy said...

Don't forget stunningly handsome! He gets all that sweetness from his mom!