Thursday, June 19, 2014

April Fools Day

This year I looked and looked for a funny prank to pull on the boys . When I came across the Jello that looked like juice I knew it was perfect. I don't let the boys drink many sugary colorful drinks ( I know , I am a horrible mom) so I knew they would be so distracted they wouldn't even notice it looked a little different. I got their normal cups they drink out of for breakfast and made jello in them complete with a straw. The next morning I made the normal breakfast and instead of water or milk they had a huge cup of red juice waiting for them. They were excited and ran to drink . They kept sucking and sucking with a weird look on their face. Finally Nathan looked at me and pulled the straw out with Jello hanging from it. He realized what it was and both boys started laughing so hard . I was so proud of myself!  I got em!!!!

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