Thursday, June 19, 2014

Monster Truck

Nolan's birthday present from us was also a trip to the Monster Truck Jam that perfectly fell on his birthday weekend!
The boys were so excited since we used to look up a lot on you tube and watch. We somehow always missed it when it came to town.
When we got there the place was packed full of Monster Truck fans. I had no clue there was such a huge following. I am pretty sure we were one of the few who were not wearing a team shirt and coordinating flag.
The show started off with a bang. In the first race one of the trucks flipped over and the crowd went crazy. The following races were just as exciting with some doing flips, others spinning around in the air of course a few more crashes. The boys went crazy for the finals where the Grave Digger came out! That is their favorite truck and he was doing all kinds of cool things .
It was much more fun that I think any of had anticipated.

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