We all figured out today was a good day and made fun plans for a Christmas play date.
We had lots of playing, lunch and cupcakes because what is a party without goodies? :)
Nathan and Nolan were so happy to be out with their friends. This playground was just perfect for the group . It was just right for Nolan to play on without any dangerous openings to fall from. He played with his buddy Aidan who is just a few months older than him . It was so nice to see them actually acknowledge each other and play! I love that Nolan has a little buddy just like him. After lunch Nolan decided to carry around his plate of icing. He would randomly lick some icing and then return to playing . I had to finally distract him and sneak it away after a good 30 minutes.
The older kids also played very well with each other. It was such a beautiful day. I am telling you it was just perfect. The boys were on their best behavior and Nolan loves anytime he gets to play with his big brother and friends. Needless to say after all the excitement Nolan passed out right when we got home. Nathan did not. He is such a big boy now that naps are in our pas. He did have some nice quiet time with his new Toy Story fishing game Amy gave him today!
Have I mentioned how much I love the holidays? :)

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