We were worried that when Nolan walked in he would see either Daddy or Papa, two of his favorite people, and want to leave the play at once! He walked in with his classroom and saw Daddy. He gave him a little giggle but you could see the wheels turning in his head. He then came by our row and saw everyone. He did really good and kept walking with his class but by the look on his face he was very confused.
Nathan walked by and gave us all a big smile and wave. He is an old pro at this.
They sang lots of Christmas songs but not Frosty the Snowman? Nathan has been singing Frosty for about a month now over and over. He told us that is what he was singing in the play. He even said there was a dance that went to it. I am not sure what this dance was but it was not part of his play? Hmmm. Maybe we will be getting a special performance on Christmas.
Nolan sat in Mrs. Kama's lap the whole time and did great. No one who knows Nolan would have ever thought he could sit there that long. It is amazing the things they can do with kids at this school. As Nathan would say " it is magical" :)
After the show the boys went back to their classrooms for the cookie decorating and book exchange.
This was the first time Papa and Kathy had seen the boys school. Nathan and Nolan thought it was neat to have them there. Nolan was already sitting at the table, by himself, waiting for his cookie when we got to his room . He was so serious and it is funny because Nolan never sits still that long without being strapped into a booster seat.
Mrs. Sandra gave him some icing and Mrs. Kama gave him some sprinkles and he was in heaven! He tried to share with Daddy who always seems to get Nolan's yummy have licked treats. :)
I ran down to see what Nathan was doing and his class was making Reindeer food! It was so pretty . Nathan got to stir in the special glitter that lets the reindeer see the food at night!
Mrs. Cindy packed up his cookie and special book he had picked out for his book exchange. He gave all of his friends big hugs and wished them all a Merry Christmas. When we got back to Nolan's room he was "fishing" for a Christmas treat from his teachers! With a little help from Mrs. Sandra he caught a stuffed puppy dog! He was so excited and immediatly ran over to show Mimi and give him a kiss.
After all the fun and goodies we packed up and gave lots of kisses to our teachers . We then went and ate lunch with Mimi, Papa, Kathy and Laurie at a little seafood place down the road. Nathan of course got his favorite fired shrimps and ate them all. They both ate so much. I think all the excitement made them very hungry. On the way home you could tell they were both exauhsted. Nolan let out a huge sigh when I laid him down in his bed. The poor guy couldnt have made it a second longer.
Nathan and I rested while watching lots of Christmas shows on TV. Another perfect day in December :)

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