Well this morning was the day. We got up and dressed which was a bit confusing since it was HOT outside but we were going to play in snow?????? What do you do ? We packed up a whole other set of clothes just in case.
When we got there we got our tickets which had a snow time on them. Perfect! They had thought of it all. Instead of having to wait in line they had given everyone a designated time to be there.
We headed over to the line for Santa since we had a good 45 minutes. Well 30 minutes into the line Santa decided to take a break. I was so sad and hoping it was only a potty break . The boys had been sooooo good in line. They were picking leaves, riding daddy's back , peaking over the bushes and looking at the reindeer. I was so proud of them and now Santa had left. Oh no! We heard them say he had gone to lunch and wouldn't be back till 12:30. We stayed in line thinking we would be cutting it close but we could do it. Well 12:30 came around and no Santa. 12:45 came around and no Santa. Luckily Kyle had gone and asked the people in the snow line what would happen and they said we could just come to the next time. Whew.
Well the boys started to get a bit restless , who could blame them , they were in line for over an hour.
We talked them into playing in the snow and seeing Santa some other time. They surprisingly were okay with it and went along with the new plan. We got over to the snow line and filtered into the "snow". Luckily the boys have no clue what real snow looks like so they weren't confused by the crushed ice being pawned off as snow.
Nathan kept telling me it was "Magical Snow " because it had glitter in it. I agreed it must be some kind of magical if it wasn't melted in the 80 degree weather! :)
Daddy showed Nolan how to throw the snow so of course that was hilarious to him. He kept picking up little handfuls and throwing it at Kyle and then laughing so hard. Nathan decided to make a snowman!!! Kyle helped him break up some of the snow to make snowballs. He was so proud of his snowman and then SMOOSH! he stepped on it. I seem to forget how boys work sometimes and am very thrown off for a minute or two until I remember.
After the snow we wondered around and looked at all the Christmas trees the Museum had set up. They also had lots of decorations that the boys loved.
It was getting late and we were hungry. Daddy had the greatest idea of the day. He took us to Nikos Nikos , one of the best restaurants ever! We even had the best desert ever that they make. It is like little dough balls fried and drizzled with honey water that they soak up. When you bite into them they are like little bursts of heaven. Needless to say the boys share in our love of yummy food and loved it as much as us!
We got home and everyone laid down and just hung around being lazy. I must say I love love love days like these. I would not trade days like these for anything in the world.
How cute! Also, I LOVE Niko Niko's. I would eat there everday if it wasn't just slightly out of the way. That Santa needs a "talkin' to".
So cute! Looks like you had a great time.
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