Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nolans Birthday Party!

This Saturday we had Nolan's big 2 Year party!
Nathan and Nolan stayed with Mimi and Papa Friday night so I could get everything set up and it would be a little surprise for him. When they walked in Saturday morning he was so surprised by all the balloons and kept saying "whoa" :)
The boys walked around looking at everything saying " Wow, Elmo" His favorite was the goldfish bowl and fish scoop filled with goldfish crackers. Every time we would look that is where we found him just scooping out and eating goldfish. I was sure he would try to get into the cake but I think he had no clue it was a cake until we cut it!
He was so surprised so I couldn't wait until everyone else showed up. It was so much fun. The theme was Sesame Street since he loves Elmo! All of our friends joined in on the fun. We had Pizza (Elmo's Favorite), Jello cups with gummy fish ( like Elmo's pet Dorothy), Cookies, Cake and Ice Cream. We had games like Oscar's trash toss, coloring and a pull string pinata.
There was even a surprise guest ELMO!!!! We were worried Nolan might not care for the real Elmo but he seemed okay with him. He kept pointing and letting everyone know Elmo was there. Elmo was dancing and playing games with all the kids and Nolan didn't really want to join in for that. Once Elmo was outside waiting for the kids to take pictures Nolan warmed up! He had Elmo playing ball, coloring and even blowing party horns with him. He was laughing so hard. I am pretty sure he thinks him and Elmo are besties now.
After fun with Elmo we all gathered around to sing happy birthday. Nolan loved it! He even clapped for everyone when they were done singing. Next was his favorite part, the cake! He ate it up as quick as we got it passed out. He even had seconds on the ice cream. He definitely had a sugar high from all the sweets.
It was such a fun day and it was so cool to see him actually having such a great time. For the rest of the night he kept singing happy birthday to himself. It was hilarious!
I am so sad that he is 2 but it is also so fun now that he knows it is his birthday and loves all the fun that comes with it. We are so lucky to have such great family and friends who make celebrations so much fun!
Happy Birthday sweet baby Nolan !

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Nolan!

Today is Nolan's second birthday!!! I can not believe how fast these last two years have gone.
What you are up to lately:
You are talking like crazy.
You no longer call Nathan " Nay- Nay" which makes us pretty sad. If we were to count I bet you yell "NAFAN" 100 times a day. You love your big brother and want to make sure he is looking or hearing everything you are.
You have a TON of personality and are very independent.
Your new favorite thing is Dinosaurs. We went to the museum last week and all you kept saying was "D-Saurs". Now every time you see one you say "d saur" and roar ! It is so funny.
You are either the happiest kid on the planet or the angriest and this can all change within 10 seconds. You definitely keep us laughing around here.
We love you so much and can't imagine you being anyone else. You keep us on our toes but we love every second of it!

You are currently riding your new tricycle around the house with Nathan's fireman hat on and it is about the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Happy Birthday Baby Nolan!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Honest Nate

This last weekend we were all in the car when Nathan said nervously "Mommy, I have to tell you something" I looked at Kyle with a smile wondering what he was about to tell us. You never know what is going to come out of his mouth and when he is serious like this it usually means something funny. He continued" this morning while you were sleeping I ate all the M&M's" . I couldn't help but giggle. There was no way we could be mad at him for this. I said Oh you did? Wow , that was really great how honest you were. Thank you so much for telling us. We also made sure that he knew he shouldn't be roaming the pantry and eating candy first thing in the morning.

Today in the car I guess his guilt took over again because he had to tell me something. This time he ate a bag of gummy snacks he found in the pantry. It is so funny how serious he is . I wonder if he thinks he is going to get in trouble becuase you can tell he is a bit stressed and then so relieved once it is all out! ha ha ha.

Not that I am not a super honest person but I think he gets this from his Daddy. Kyle's mom always tells us how when Kyle was younger he could not lie and if he did he would come and find her and tell her the truth not to long later. I am happy to say I live with some honest boys. Now how do I keep Nathan so honest especially through the teenage years?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Boy oh Boy have we had some rain. The last week or so it has been so yucky and rainy. Both boys LOVE to play outside so it has been a bit crazy being caged up. One day it was wet but not raining and warm so we headed out to play. Nathan has been eyeing a fancy pair of rain boots at Target for a while now . I went ahead and bought both boys a pair and they have come in great use! They love to wear them outside and play fireman.
It is so fun to watch them play when they are being so serious. Nathan has decided that the playhouse is a fire station and for some reason jumps in through the window? I suppose thats have firemen do it?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

" Pee Pee in the Potty"

Well guess who is on the fast track to being a big boy? Nolan is wearing big boy pants now ! He decided to start pee peeing in the potty all by himself. He so wants to be like his big brother and I guess he figured that is one thing he could do just like Nathan.
He walks around the house in his whispering voice all the time saying " Pee pee in the potty, Pee Pee in the potty, Yay! " ha haha. It is so cute. For the last few weeks he comes out of his room from his nap with his pants off or three other pairs of pants on. I guess he is also practicing dressing himself. Before we know it he will be driving his own car. I can't believe what a big boy he is already turning into.
It makes me so sad to think there will be no more diapers around here. How did my babies grow up so fast?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Morning

Oh my oh my , I love Christmas morning. It is hands down the best day of the year. This year was a little different than last. Nathan got up early and came into our room. I felt a little patting on my arm and heard "Mom, Mom...... Santa brought me a railroad sign that goes ding ding ding!" Nolan was sill asleep so Nathan ran upstairs to wake him up and get the show on the road. They came down the stairs and Nolan hopped right on his new Thomas the train. He rode it all over the house completely ignoring all the other presents and excitement. Nathan would open one or two things and want to play them only. It was so funny and Kyle and I said next year we are telling Santa only one present each please. :)
Halfway into the presents Mimi and Papa came over for Christmas breakfast! We finished opening up all the presents and ate some breakfast. After breakfast someone said they thought they heard Santa outside in the Garage last night. It was a little cold out so the boys decided to keep on their new warm robes and shoes. We all walked out to the garage and found a Playhouse!!!!! They loved it. Santa must have a great elf who put together this whole area. It is like a whole little town now in our garage and the boys LOVE it.
After playing with all of our new toys and visiting with Mimi and Papa we started getting lunch together. We were having Christmas lunch at our house this year. Not to long after everyone showed up. Lunch was very yummy and it was so nice to hang out and relax with everyone.
Christmas is so fun now that we have the boys. I can't even imagine how boring it must have been before. :)