Today is Nolan's second birthday!!! I can not believe how fast these last two years have gone.
What you are up to lately:
You are talking like crazy.
You no longer call Nathan " Nay- Nay" which makes us pretty sad. If we were to count I bet you yell "NAFAN" 100 times a day. You love your big brother and want to make sure he is looking or hearing everything you are.
You have a TON of personality and are very independent.
Your new favorite thing is Dinosaurs. We went to the museum last week and all you kept saying was "D-Saurs". Now every time you see one you say "d saur" and roar ! It is so funny.
You are either the happiest kid on the planet or the angriest and this can all change within 10 seconds. You definitely keep us laughing around here.
We love you so much and can't imagine you being anyone else. You keep us on our toes but we love every second of it!
You are currently riding your new tricycle around the house with Nathan's fireman hat on and it is about the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Happy Birthday Baby Nolan!!!!

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