We have had so much fun these last few weekends. Well the last few weekends before sickness infected our house :)
One weekend we went to the Museum in Sugarland. Daddy has never been with us so it was fun for him to see the dinosaurs and dig for bones . Nathan was such a good big brother and showed Nolan all of the dinosaurs. He also made sure to let him know that they weren't real. Nolan left the museum with his new word " D- saurs" . He has been saying it every since. he is very interested in them now and walks around with our dino toys roaring all day long.
The next weekend we went to IT'z . It'z is a super fun playplace. Daddy and Nathan used to sneak off here when Nolan was little for some alone time and to bowl in the mini bowling alley they have.
It was so fun because now Nolan is old enough to ride the rides with his big brother. They rode the cars that go up and down and Nolan did not seem okay iwth it but he put on a brave face so Nathan wouldn't think he couldn't hang! ha ha h.
Nathan and Daddy snuck away with Papa to the Rockets game later that week. They had the game area blocked off for the kids and parents. Daddy said they got to play basketball on a mini court, play skee ball, get their face painted and eat lots of fun snacks! Nathan had a blast and was telling me all about it when he got home.
The next Saturday we went to the aquarium . We love the aquarium.Nathan and Nolan really checked out all the fish and animals this time . We rode all the rides and played some carnival games where both boys won a stuffed animal!
It is so nice to do all of these fun things as a family. Nathan seems to really take everything in now and Nolan is just so happy to be old enough to participate now. I wish I could just freeze time for a bit longer during this stage.