Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pollocks in training

Oh my goodness the sun is out again! The last two days have been so great! The boys are so happy to be outside and I am so happy they can wear just one layer of clothes. I am sure this will help with my huge mound of laundry.
Today we decided to finally put together the easel Mimi and Papa got the boys for Christmas. The poor easel has been in its' box since they got it just waiting for warmer weather. :)
The boys were so excited and put on their smocks before I was even done putting it together.
Nathan went for the chalk board and Nolan went for the paints.
Nathan saw on the box that a little boy was drawing a picture of a house. He pulled the box closer and decided to draw the exact same thing.
Nolan was having a blast painting himself and the paper. It never fails that he paints his face first and the paper second ?
They had so much fun being outside and creating . Today I was very thankful for these things, sun, smocks, and baths. :)

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