So off we went on our movie adventure. It was pretty exciting because this was Nolan's first real movie! Nathan is a pro so I figured he would show him the ropes. When we got in the theater they were both excited. They got their own special 3d glasses that were made in kid size. They were so cute. Nolan was excited. We ordered our food and the movie began . It was a good 15 minutes and everyone was doing great. Nolan was getting a little squirmy but the food came just in time.
They both did great. Nolan kept yelling at Nathan through the whole movie to make sure he was watching. It was so funny. Nathan is so patient with him most of the time so he kept ignoring him. After about the 10th " NAFAN" he would say I know Nolan, I see it. ha ha hah.
All in all it was a success! Do I think I should take them to a crowded theater on the weekend? No. But hey it was a start.

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