We got to the dentist and of course Nathan was super excited because well he likes to like things we wouldn't expect. Lucky for us Nolan wants to be just like Nathan and will do ANYTHING Nathan does. We let Nathan go first to show him how it is done. He was serious as usual holding Mr. Thirsty ( the suction thing) and following all the instructions.
Nolan kept walking around him checking it out, he would stand at the end of the chair, look under the chair and yell every so often just to make sure everything was okay. When it was his turn he hopped right up on the chair and laid back just like he had done it a hundred times. I warned her that he might bite but she was pretty confident that he wouldn't.
(On a side note, I love when I try to warn people of what could happen with my children but it really just makes me look crazy because of course Nolan was being a little angel and flirting with everyone. She probably thought why would this crazy lady think this sweet baby would bite me? HUH! )
He held Mr . Thirsty just like he had watched and let her clean his teeth. He even picked grape flavored toothpaste for her to use! When they were done the dentist came in a gave us some bad news about the paci. Long story short we need to start getting rid of it! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! More about that later.
Next the boys got to pick out their treasure chest surprise . Nathan picked a little airplane and Nolan picked a shark !
When we were all checked out and Nolan was done flirting with every single person in the office we headed out.
I was so proud of my boys and how grown up they were!!! I am completely amazed at how well Nolan went along with everything. He always keeps us on our toes

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