We had such a fun , busy weekend. We started off Friday night with a trip to the Cy Fest they were having down the road. It is a Cajun festival that was going on all weekend. We thought if we got there Friday night we would beat the crowd. Well we were wrong! It was fun but very crowded. The whole time I was so nervous one of the boys would get lost in the crowd. We made our way to the kiddie rides and bought some tickets. We walked up to the first ride to find out Nolan was not tall enough to ride :(. Nathan went on while we watched . Luckily Nolan didn't for a few minutes but then he realized he had been left behind. We walked to a fun house where both boys could go in. It was a lot of fun but they had a glass wall maze. Poor Nathan kept running into the walls not realizing it wasn't an opening. Nolan kept running into them but it didn't seem to even phase him. After a few more rides and a funnel cake it was time to head home. Both boys were very sleepy and we had to get rest for our big Saturday.
Saturday morning was Nathan's baseball team pictures and carnival!!!! This was the first time we have gotten Nathan all dressed up in his full uniform since we haven't had a game yet. I can not even begin to tell you just how adorable he is !
When we got there some of his teammates were missing but we still got a pretty darn cute picture if you ask me. All of the baseball players walked over the the big diamond , listened to a speaker and then had a little parade. After all the action there were bounce houses set up with lots of goodies like food and snow cones. Nathan and his buddy Gavin from his team had so much fun playing in the bounce houses and then on the playground. Nolan really likes Gavin's twin sister and had a blast chasing her around the playground.

Get ready for some baseball posts because games start this week!!!!!
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