The boys did a great job especially since it was about 100 outside! Thank goodness it is the last game till fall because it is getting just to hot for these little guys to be out there.
After our game we went to Clay's restaurant for the team party. It is a mostly outdoor place with sand and animals. We lucked out and got and indoor sitting place with air for our group only.
We handed out trophies to all of the kids. They were all so cute and excited to get a trophy. Nathan said he is going to sit his on the counter so everyone can see it when they come over. It is currently on the counter where he said he would put it :)
It is so cute to see these guys play together.
Daddy has been the coach all season but was out of town this week on a trip so we had to do the party without him. The kids all said to tell Coach Kyle thank you for being their coach . We all missed him at the party and as soon as we got back in the car Nathan said he couldn't wait to show daddy his trophy.
Lucky for him he is on a flight home as we speak :)

Chatting with his new friend he made while a second base.

What is going on here? Check out the finger

Nathan getting his trophy from Mrs. Misty

Have I mentioned Nolan thinks he is on the team. He will even say " GO PADRES" when he sees a Padres shirt.

The most handsome baseball player ever.
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