On Saturday we went across the street to the Spooktackular parade of dogs! It was so cute. They had a special festival set up with all kinds of dogs in different costumes. We got there right in time to get some Kettle Corn and find a spot . Nolan made friends with the cowboy pug next to him. I think he missed the whole parade because he kept yelling " buppy bupppy " at his new friend. I also saw Nolan sneaking him lots of popcorn.
Nathan got a kick out of all the doggies dressed up . His favorite was the group of pirates !
After the parade we watched the finals for the dog jumping. It is amazing how far those little dogs can jump into the water. Nathan told us he was going to teach Dudley how to jump like that and bring him next year. I would love to see this. :)
On Sunday we went out to Mimi and Papas golf course for a Halloween carnival. We met up with Kathy and Hannah for the fun. Nathan won the cake walk again!!! This is the second time he has won on the first try. Last year he won a huge pumpkin cake and this year he picked out the biggest one they had with strawberries on it. We dug into it right away and it was delicious!
I really think Nathan needs to play the lottery as soon as he can. He is the luckiest kid I have ever met. He wins all kinds of random things like this.
After we went on a hay ride through the haunted woods they had set up. Nathan was not scared of the clown or scary guys at all. I was a little worried about it but he did great. Nolan had fun just yelling at all the scary stuff. He has come up with this new noise he makes when we see any kind of Halloween decor. It goes a little like " ooohhhhhhhhhhhhboooohhhhhhhh" .
After the carnival we headed home for some real trick or treating! The boys were Carol and Max from where the book Where the Wild Things Are. This is one of our favorite books and I was so excited that is what they wanted to be.
Kyle and I started making the head a month or so ago and kind of slacked off a bit. It was a mad rush to get it finished in time and I am so glad we did. Nathan thought it was so cool and he wore that big ol head all night long! Nolan wasn't really sure what trick or treating was all about. He sat in his stroller for the first few houses and then he realized Nathan was getting candy. He popped out of his stroller and followed Nathan up to the next house. He was amazed that people were just handing him goodies! He ended up riding Daddies shoulders about half way through. He would come back from houses just clinching onto the handfuls of candy he had just scored. It was soo funny. It was very hard to pry it out of his hands to put in his bag. Later while we were going through the candy it was very obvious which ones Nolan had. A few of the chocolate candy had fist impressions on them! ha ha ha.
It was a great night and the boys had so much fun! I love Halloween because it is the start of fun fall and then Christmas!
Holiday season here we come!!!!
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