We got settled in and made dinner. It was so nice to all sit at the huge dinning table and catch up. The kids had a great time and were getting very tired. It was getting close to bedtime and we realized this house was old an creepy when night time came around! UH OH. We thought we could get all the boys to sleep together in the bed and Kelley and I would sleep on the floor. Brave Nolan was already passed out in his bed. The plan with the older boys was not working out. Everyone was so tired but wanted to play. I talked Nathan into sleeping in the room with Nolan and me. He was so tired so I got to sneak out and visit with my friends! I stayed up all night. Every little creek seemed to keep me up . I felt a little crazy until I saw the next morning that all the other mommies felt the same way. I think I have seen way to many episodes of unsolved mysteries.
The kids were up and ready to play . Kelley brought lots of crafts and goodies to keep them busy. We played and played and played.
There was a cow pasture next to us and Nolan loves cows. He kept going out towards the back of the yard and staring at them. He would yell HI COW!!!! wave and blow kisses. He cracks me up. His other love of the trip was Miss Madeleine. Anytime poor Madeleine was trying to scootch around he was right in her face saying " Hi Baby" and trying to kiss her . He would have been completely continent just hanging out with Madeline. Maybe we have another match here!. I think that would be about the coolest thing ever.
Nathan of course found some alone time with Claire. I took the boys up for a nap one day and Nathan snuck down to see Claire. When I came down to see what he was doing I found him and Claire in the kitchen coloring together . Katherine was with them and said they had been having the best time and were being so sweet. Have I mentioned how much we miss these guys? :)
Later that night we were going to make pizzas. We started the oven and it just didn't seem to be getting warm. Well about an hour later we realized there was a strong gas smell and it must have had a leak!!!! We quickly opened the windows and went on a road trip to a Mexican restaurant. The kids were so good and we had a fun dinner out with everyone. When we got back the smell was gone so we figured we were safe. Everyone was tired and went right to bed. The mommies got to sneak down stairs and visit again. The next morning we got up and did lots of crafts with the kiddos. They made Indian headdresses, little people of the world, painted cars and rockets and finished coloring their cardboard playhouse from the night before. We then had to start loading up and heading out. We meet up for one last meal on our way home. The kids got to play and eat in hopes of them napping in the car. Nathan and Nolan never slept the whole way there or back but were so sweet it didn't matter
. Nolan went to school the next day with this funny attitude he has had every since the trip. I really think in his head he thinks he is one of the big boys. He is so tough and gets right in there with them. It was such a fun weekend and it was so nice to be with our friends. I can't wait to do it again.

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