Needless to say I quickly told Kyle and made plans to be there. When I got there Kyle was peaking into the bathroom at someone and then I heard the big DADDDYYYYY sqeal from Nolan. It was so cute , he was so surprised to see daddy at school.
We hung out in his classroom since there was no way Kyle could get out after Nolan knew he was there. In a few minutes we headed down to the lunch room. Nolan's decided to wear his wreath that he had made for us. It must have looked like a nice necklace to him. I loved it because it said " I am thankful for my mommy " YAY!
A few minutes after all the kids were coming in we saw Nathan! This guy acted wayyyyyy to cool for my taste. he he he. We were both so excited to see him and said " Hey Nathan! " he gave us a cool smile and kept walking with his class . As he was walking away he looked at his little lady friend Mikayla and shrugged his shoulders like he didn't know who we were!!!!!!! Rude.
I went over and sat with his table where he finally acted like he was mine. Nolan wanted to come and visit Nathan so we had the whole family at Nathans table. It was so fun. Nathan and his friend Lance kept taking pictures of each other and then he whispered to me that he needed to take a picture of Mikayla. How could I say no to that.
When it was time to head back to the classroom Nolan was very sad so I decided just to go ahead and take the boys home. I got Nolan and his stuff together first. He was in a horrible mood, that is until we got to Nathan's class.. Nathan and his friends were waiting so patiently at the table for their smoothies Mrs.Cindy had made. Nolan quickly ran over and sat right next to his big brother. He was so happy and kept laughing like he was in the conversation. Mrs. Cindy made him a smoothie and he was in heaven. Nathan thinks it is so funny when Nolan acts like this. He kept telling everyone " that is my baby Nolan" .
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