We went for our Check ups a couple weeks ago and here are the results!
Nolan : Healthy
Height 29 inches (74 percentile)
Weight : 20 pounds 8 ounces (50 percentile)
Head: 47 1/2 cm ( 90 percentile)
Nathan: Healthy
Height: 41 inches (104 percentile)
Weight : 36 pounds (90 percentile)
BMI: 15.2
Both boys are tall and skinny. Nathan is almost tall enough to ride big rides . You know the signs that say you must be this tall to ride? This tall means 42 inches! I can not believe how tall he is. I am almost certain they will both be taller and skinnier than both of us by 12! ah ha ah ah.
For some reason they both have big heads. I know its for all those brains they have :)