We had such a fun Thanksgiving. The boys woke up super early on Thanksgiving. Nolan was already down for his first nap in time for the Macy's Parade! Nathan and I hung out and watched while I made some goodies to take to Mimi's house.
After we saw some super cool stuff like Sponge Bob, Spiderman and of course our favorite Christmas song right now, " Were simply having a Wonderful Christmas Time", we got Nolan up and headed for Mimi and Papa's house. Nolan and Nathan played so nice while we waited for lunch. NOlan was the first one in his seat and eating! He LOVED his Thanksgiving. He ate so much food. I am sure he eats more than Nathan right now. After lunch Nolan passed out and took a 3 hour nap! I think he has thanksgiving figured out pretty good. Eat, sleep, eat again. :) Nathan played with his uncle Chad for a little bit and then was ready for his little "rest". Daddy and the guys went out to play some golf .
When everyone woke back up Nolan was ready to eat again and Nathan was ready for some Golf. Daddy took Nathan to the golf course to play a few holes and Nolan got his bib on for the second round of Thanksgiving.
It was such a nice and relaxing day full of food and family :) I was certain NOlan was not going to fit into any of his clothes the next day .