Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Animal Sounds

This is Nathan making his animal sounds. I know the part where I ask about a nightmare might seem a little weird but everynight we read Nightmare in my Closet and he cracks up. He loves the nightmare :) At the end when I ask him what a shark says he runs off so you cant hear it but he says dunh duh , dunh duh like Jaws . It is really funny but I cant ever get it on camera.


I havent posted in awhile ( I forgot my password :() We are back and ready to go. :) Nathan has recently surprised us with his love of the alphabet. He is alwasy pointing out letters whenever we go somewhere. He especially loves the Neon Beer Signs. He reads B........U........D.... you see where it is going. I am pretty sure he is able to read the words Bud Light. I know his new Catholic school will love this! I swear we dont encourage this. We bought him some foam letters and numbers to practice with. He loves to show them off but cant quite figure out the numbers. We are working on that. My mother in law is convinced that he is the smartest kid in the world. I dont have the heart to break it to her but we are certain he learned them from his Leap Frog movie that plays over and over in the car. ah ah ah aha h. Shhhhhhhhhhhh its a secret. Here is a video of him showing off his skills.