Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Party time

This last weekend was our friend Brady's 4th Birthday. What a birthday it was! His mommy is about as good as it gets when it comes to parties and this one was all pirate! When we arrived Nathan got a pirate patch for his eye, a sash, pirate hat and of course a pirate sword! These guys ran around non stop having a blast the whole time. They made pirate hooks for their hands and telescopes to look for land. There was even a real pirate there!!!! Pirate Steve led all the kids on a scavenger hunt to find the " buried treasure". Nathan and Nolan came home with all kinds of pirate treasure including some fancy pirate beads he has been wearing around with his eye patch. We hope Brady had a great day , I know we sure did!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Party!

Last week we had some of our awesome friends over for a Halloween Party. Everyone came dressed in their adorable little costumes and ready for some Halloween fun.
We have such sweet friends and Nathan loves when we are able to play with them. He had been telling me for days who was coming and what they were going to be dressed up as.
Nathan had school that morning so it worked out perfectly. I had time to get the goodies ready and Nathan had something to take his mind off the countdown to the party.
Nathan was so excited when his friends started showing up. Nolan found his buddy Aidan right away and didn't stray to far away all day.
Allison' s mommy brought yummy cookies for us to decorate. She had the whole set up complete with icing and Halloween sprinkles. What Fun!!!!
Brady and Cash's mommy brought pumpkins for everyone to color and take home. The pumpkins were by far the best I have ever seen. We have some budding artists around here :)
We also had yummy snacks that included "boogers on a stick" and "Monster Toes". When I tried to get Nathan to eat one he said " No Mommy , I do not want a booger on stick........" haha ha ha. I told him over and over it was not a real booger but vanilla on a pretzel. Later that night I tried again and got the same response. No boogers for Nathan.
It was so much fun and the kids were absolutely adorable in their costumes. We are so lucky to have such sweet friends to "party" with.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Time

It was such a beautiful day today so we decided to load up and head on out to the Pumpkin patch! What a fun day we had. Nathan and Nolan played around in the pumpkins. Nolan decided he did not like pumpkins as much as his brother Nathan does. Some of the fun stuff we got to do included riding a pony, riding a train all around the "ranch", finding our way through a hay maze, and of course Nathan found the putt putt course that was off towards the back of the ranch. We also spent time checking out all the fun animals around the farm. On the way out Nathan got to pick out his own pumpkin to take home. He picked out the perfect pumpkin and carried it all the way back to the car. I think we will be making a mini Jack O Lantern out of it this week :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nolan update

What Nolan has been up to lately?

He is crawling all over the place! He loves to follow Nathan around all day. He blabbers to everyone and says “dah dah” all day long. He has eight teeth in his mouth with more are coming in as we speak. He stands up and walks all along tables and couches. He has a sweet and funny little personality that we are finally getting to see since he has been a lot healthier lately! He is so fun to talk to and play with . My favorite little thing he does right now is crinkling his little nose when he laughs. I just want to eat him up when he does it. The last little milestone is that he will wave back to you . Now dont get me wrong , he doesnt have the parade wave going on or anything but it is definitely a wave of some sorts! ah ah ah.
We go for our 8 month check up at the end of the month so we will see what we are measuring in at .

Oh and we have our Halloween costumes.............. Batman and Robin. Oh I cant wait!

Pumpkin Painting!

We decided since it has been so yucky lately that we would have our own pumpkin patch fun day today at home. Our friends Brady and Cash came over to start off the fall season by painting some pumpkins with us! What fun! This was Cash's' first pumpkin painting and I am pretty sure he loved it. Nathan and Brady are veterans at this . They were very serious and sure of what they wanted their pumpkins to look like. Nathan started out with a face that quickly turned into a swirl of colors.
After the pumpkins were painted we sat them out to dry so we could play . I have to say Nolan had perfect timing with the nap today. He feel asleep right before painting and woke up in plenty of time to play with everyone.
We had lots of fun playing grocery store, cars, space shuttle , and our new Dr Seuss game! .
I think this is the official Schomburg beginning to fall ! YAY!!!! Let the cool weather begin...........