Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nolan's New Boots

Nolan has started getting into certain toys and one of his favorite people is Woody from Toy Story. He walks around saying things like " Yee Haw Cowboy " and " There is a snake in my boot! " from his ( Technically Natahan's but we all know how that goes) Woody doll that talks. Well he also likes to dress up like his big brother so he runs around with his horse and hat pretending he is Woody. The other night he had on his fire man boots to complete the outfit. I said Nolan do you want cowboy boots so you can dress like Woody? Of he course he said YES. I thought oh perfect Christmas presents. While I was at the store getting him a shirt for 50's day I ran across these beauties! They were on sale and perfect for my little cowboy!
When he got out of his bath last night he was so ready to put them on . He ran around acting crazy in them and also found out they are perfect to do splits in? I am not sure why but he kept doing them in the middle of the living room. Nathan brought him all his cowboy gear and he was set! He cracks me up with some of the stuff he does and this was by far one of those nights!

50's Day

Today at school the boys get to dress like someone from the 50's. Nolan went with the tough guy greaser get up and Nathan went with more of the Buddy Holly , Richie kind of fella. I was going to put a mom tattoo on Nolan's arm but thought that might be viewed as a bit inappropriate. :)
Nathan was really into it and thought it was so fun to dress up especially with the glasses. Nolan wasn't really concerned with any of it besides us trying to do his hair. As soon as we would "grease" it over he would push it back and said no hair.
I think they looked sooooo cute and they also got to take Daddy to school with them this morning for Donuts with Dad!!!! I know they are going to have such a fun day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yesterday was Halloween!!!
Nathan woke up that morning and said "Mommy I am sooooooooooo excited it is Halloween tonight. I am going to go to one hundred, thousand , ten houses and get candy! " We had to scale back on those numbers a bit. he he he.
Nathan had a busy day of school and reading class. We got home around 4. I said okay boys you have to get some rest so we can have enough energy for all of this trick or treating. Well they tried but no one got any rest. They were so excited. Mimi and Papa came over and even brought us dinner! Happy Halloween to me! They also brought lots of Halloween treats for the boys including space goldfish!!!! Their favorite by far was the super cool space lights she brought them. They have been playing with them non stop.
After we all ate the boys were so ready to put on their costumes. Oh did I tell you what adorable things they were this year????? Nathan was an astronaut and Nolan was his Rocket ship! Nathan LOVES space and so that means Nolan does too. Nolan sings his moon song every time he sees the moon so now he said he would blast off to the moon. We got everyone put together and headed on our way. Nolan was a little unsure until he realized his sweet neighbors were loading him up with candy!!!! He kind of looked at Nathan like why didn't you tell me about this ?
Nathan was so excited and going so fast we could barely keep up . Poor Nolan had a time where he just seemed like he was out of fuel but luckily he got his second wind and caught back up to finish out the street.
It as so cute because a few neighbors asked Nathan if he had been to the moon and without thinking he replied " Yes?" like why wouldn't he have been he is an astronaut after all. Nolan would quickly shout out " I Rocket Ship"!
Another awesome fun day with my super cute space boys!!!!!

Monster Mash

On Sunday we had all of our friends over for a Monster Mash. Everyone was dressed in their costumes and all looked so cute!
WE had lots of Monster Spooky snacks like Monster Toes, Monster Cakes, Bat Wings, Mad Scientist Slime with gummy body parts and Boogers on a stick.
Nathan has really been into Halloween this year and told me he wanted it to be spooky. He helped me decorate with tons of cob webs all over the stairs . A spooky candy bar by the front door . The dining room was the main attraction because that is where all the food was. We dug out our fog machine and warmed it up. I put on some creepy music and Nathan decorated the whole place with crows, spiders and bats. It looked great but I think it was a little to spooky because once the fog machine kicked in both boys were out of there!
At the party we had lots of fun things to do like decorate pumpkins, make monster faces, color trick or treat bags, make Halloween masks and even had a spider bean bag toss thanks to craft Kelley!
The kids had such a great time. Nathan pretty much told me it was better than any birthday he had and was so happy his friends were here. Nolan ate about 3 bowls of Jello and by the end of the night was running around this place like someone had given him a whole pot of coffee. I guess that is what Halloween is for right?
It was such a great day . I love being able to have great times like this for the boys because I know sooner than later they will be too cool to drink my Zombie punch with Monster Eyes.

King of Kings

A couple weeks ago at the boys school they had a King of Kings festival. It was so neat. The kids came dressed up as knights or princesses and they had all kinds of fun stuff for them to do . There were lots of games , prizes, crafts and snacks for them. Lucky for me the boys both had different days so one knight costume worked out perfectly ! Nolan was first and looked like he was having a great time. He warmed right up once he realized you got prizes for the games! I always love when I get to volunteer and see the boys in their own setting without me. He was talking and chatting with his friends and just looked so big!
Nathan was on Friday and he was very excited to be a knight! That morning was very easy to get ready for school because he had put on his costume as soon as he woke up. He had a good time throwing balls at the humpty dumpty knights on the wall. He was really trying to show off his muscles. His class was one of the last ones which really worked out because they were getting spoiled by all the moms.