Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Show me your Pearly Whites.

This week was Nolan's first trip to the dentist!!!!! On Sunday night I was getting a little nervous thinking about taking him. Oh how would he act? What would he do? Was he going to bite someone!!!!???????? Lets just say I was mentally prepared for all of the above by Monday morning.
We got to the dentist and of course Nathan was super excited because well he likes to like things we wouldn't expect. Lucky for us Nolan wants to be just like Nathan and will do ANYTHING Nathan does. We let Nathan go first to show him how it is done. He was serious as usual holding Mr. Thirsty ( the suction thing) and following all the instructions.
Nolan kept walking around him checking it out, he would stand at the end of the chair, look under the chair and yell every so often just to make sure everything was okay. When it was his turn he hopped right up on the chair and laid back just like he had done it a hundred times. I warned her that he might bite but she was pretty confident that he wouldn't.

(On a side note, I love when I try to warn people of what could happen with my children but it really just makes me look crazy because of course Nolan was being a little angel and flirting with everyone. She probably thought why would this crazy lady think this sweet baby would bite me? HUH! )

He held Mr . Thirsty just like he had watched and let her clean his teeth. He even picked grape flavored toothpaste for her to use! When they were done the dentist came in a gave us some bad news about the paci. Long story short we need to start getting rid of it! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! More about that later.

Next the boys got to pick out their treasure chest surprise . Nathan picked a little airplane and Nolan picked a shark !
When we were all checked out and Nolan was done flirting with every single person in the office we headed out.
I was so proud of my boys and how grown up they were!!! I am completely amazed at how well Nolan went along with everything. He always keeps us on our toes

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

We had such a fun , busy weekend. We started off Friday night with a trip to the Cy Fest they were having down the road. It is a Cajun festival that was going on all weekend. We thought if we got there Friday night we would beat the crowd. Well we were wrong! It was fun but very crowded. The whole time I was so nervous one of the boys would get lost in the crowd. We made our way to the kiddie rides and bought some tickets. We walked up to the first ride to find out Nolan was not tall enough to ride :(. Nathan went on while we watched . Luckily Nolan didn't for a few minutes but then he realized he had been left behind. We walked to a fun house where both boys could go in. It was a lot of fun but they had a glass wall maze. Poor Nathan kept running into the walls not realizing it wasn't an opening. Nolan kept running into them but it didn't seem to even phase him. After a few more rides and a funnel cake it was time to head home. Both boys were very sleepy and we had to get rest for our big Saturday.

Saturday morning was Nathan's baseball team pictures and carnival!!!! This was the first time we have gotten Nathan all dressed up in his full uniform since we haven't had a game yet. I can not even begin to tell you just how adorable he is !

When we got there some of his teammates were missing but we still got a pretty darn cute picture if you ask me. All of the baseball players walked over the the big diamond , listened to a speaker and then had a little parade. After all the action there were bounce houses set up with lots of goodies like food and snow cones. Nathan and his buddy Gavin from his team had so much fun playing in the bounce houses and then on the playground. Nolan really likes Gavin's twin sister and had a blast chasing her around the playground.

Get ready for some baseball posts because games start this week!!!!!

Lions, Tigers and Bears.......OH MY!

The weather has been so perfect this last couple of weeks so we meet up with our friends at the zoo to get out and enjoy!
The boys haven't been in a while so they were very excited. When we got there we headed straight towards the elephants . All of the kids ran up to the fence to check them out. Nolan was sitting in his stroller and all of the sudden started SCREAMING. I thought something must have stung him with the way he was yelling. He was climbing out as fast as he could. I picked him up quickly and realized he was yelling " HOME, HOME" . He was scared of the elephants. Can you believe it!? My crazy , wild , fearless child was scared of the elephants? I felt bad for him but it did make me a giggle a bit. I seriously had no clue he would be scared of them. All I can think is that when he sees them on TV or in books they aren't as big as in real life. He probably thought "What is that thing!" ha ha ha. We moved on to see some other animals. Our friends were very excited to see the Lions so we headed that way. Sure enough Nolan did not like the lions either. I can understand that one. I often wonder to myself how strong that glass is that holds them in. :)
We then ate some lunch and watched a show in the children's area. It was pretty neat. Our friend got picked to do the elephant race and then they all got to pet a turtle the zoo keeper brought out for them to see. We then headed over to a fun new play area they have with big rope walls to climb on and slides to slide down. The boys had a blast. They were climbing and swinging like crazy!

After the climbing we went to the petting zoo, checked out the new Africa area with Giraffes and Rhinos, and visited the monkeys. When we got into the monkey area everyone was standing around watching something. We weren't sure what was going on so we moved down to the next big viewing area. It turns out the monkeys were fighting. There were a couple mean ones in there. They were running around hitting each other. My rules boy Nathan did not like this one bit. Nolan on the other hand was watching them in amazement. I am sure in his head the thought, now those monkeys know how to have a good time!
As Nathan was standing up by the glass one of the mean chimps ran up and hit the glass right at him. He flipped out. He immediately went to the exit. He kept telling me that " That Monkey Punched Me! ?" He was so serious and I think it hurt his feelings a bit.
We then moved on to some cool new kids area where they had drums and huts built. The kids ran back and forth and then pretended to cook dinner at the pretend camp fire.
I thought for sure everyone would be exhausted by this point but they all remembered the train . We made our way , had a quick ice cream break and hoped on the train.
It was such a beautiful day and these guys had such a great time. As much as I love the holidays I am so glad it is time for spring!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Online Chat

As you know Nathan's sweet Claire has moved all the way to OHIO!!!!!! This is so very sad to us but luckily Claire's brilliant mommy came up with a great idea a few weeks back. Nathan and Claire have had two chat dates already. The last two Monday's they have gotten on the computer and talked to each other. It is the cutest thing you have ever seen. Their faces lit up once they could see each other . It took a bit on this end since I couldn't figure out this fancy technology . Thank goodness they were so patient!

Here are some pictures of their first chat together. It was so funny because they would both run off and find a toy to show the other. At one point they both got their pillow pets and showed them to each other. It was sooo sweet. Both times they have talked Nathan tells us the whole story later that night. He remembers everything that was said . We miss our sweet Claire and her mommy so this helps us keep in touch. We will have to block out all Monday afternoons for our chats for sure.
The pictures with Nathan sitting next to the computer was him trying to take a picture with Claire. He bent down and said " Claire say Cheese"! ha ha ha ah.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rodeo Days

This week at the boys school we had Rodeo week! The school puts on a Rodeo Sing Along that all the parents get to come to and watch. It is soooo adorable. Lucky me got to see it twice! The boys normally dont go to school Wednesdays but I volunteered to take Rodeo pictures so they had to tag along. They got to go to their normal classrooms and teachers but different kiddos. Neither seemed to mind and jumped right in singing the songs. On Thursday you could tell they were way more into with their friends. Nolan square danced with a little girl in his class and had a blast. Nathan's class had cardboard guitars they had made and he was jamming on it the whole time. Nolan's class had little horses they rode on in made out of yard sticks and cardboard horse heads. They sang the cutest songs about boots, shoe flies, old Mcdonald and a Chugga Chugga Train. Nolan loves his teachers but seems to be especially fond of Mrs. Sandra. He had her holding him and dancing during the first show. Thursday was her birthday and she had the day off so he decided to lay in Mrs. Kama's lap for that show. He is such a stinker and has the ladies wrapped around his finger!
Nathan and his buddies were so cute listening and singing along. They usually kid around but they were very serious today for some reason. I guess Cowboys mean business!