Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nathan's Star Wars Party

Nathan turned the big 7 and he knew exactly what kind of party we wanted for months, it was of course a STAR WARS party! I put my thinking cap on and had to ask daddy lots of questions to help with this one. First thing was first we had to have light sabers! Nathan had such a great time with his friends and they even had a light saber introduction where he ran through all of them with their sabers in the air with the lights out! It was awesome! After that the boys played lots of games like pinball, football, throwing walls, and of course basketball. When it was finally time for food and cake ( cake pops in this case ) they were all wiped out. To me that is a sign of an awesome party. We had lots of star wars themed food for the kids including Hans Sandwiches, Vader Veggies, Princess Lays Chips, Rebel Chow and more! The kids dug right in and so did the parents. Instead of cake or cupcakes I tried something new and made Cake pops in three different flavors to go with Yoda, Obi Wan, and Darth Vader. I made a small cake for Nathan to blow out his candle on and everyone got to pick the flavor of pop they wanted. Just in case the pops didn't recharge the kids I had lots of sweets for them. Some to choose from were Yoda Force Roll Ups, Hans Rolos, Chewy Ewoks,and Marshmallows decorated like R2D2 and C3PO. Nathan really enjoyed the different star wars food and liked telling his friends what they were. When it was time to leave we sent all of our friends home with star wars cups full of goodies, light sabers and a Hans Soapo that we made for the special day. If you know me you know how much I love doing the parties for the boys. I think it is getting so much cooler as they get a little older and are really starting to get into the little themes. I know it wont be much longer till Nate is to cool for parties like these so I am soaking it up as much as I can now. I love my little Padawan so much and am not ready for another year of him growing up ! Maybe I should talk to Yoda about this? I am sure there is something he can do with his force and all that.

Back to School!

It's back to school time! I can't believe I have a 1st grader this year. The summer has flown by ! Here are the pics of the boys on their first days and what they want to be :)


This last summer we took our family vacation to the boys favorite place Mexico! We loaded up as usual and were lucky enough to have Mimi and Papa with us! It was such a relaxing fun trip . Daddy and Papa played lots of golf. The boys and I spent every morning eating breakfast with Mimi and then heading out to the beach . Nathan even went boogie boarding with daddy a few days and loved it until he wiped out on some rocks. Nolan's favorite thing was being buried in the sand . He would beg everyone to bury him and if they weren't fast enough he would just do it himself. They were in heaven ,I saw more smiles in one day there than I think I have in a month at home. After the morning in the sand we would head back up to catch Daddy and play by the pool. Both boys took naps everyday! It is Mexico so in true Mexico fashion we took siestas. Have I mentioned how much we love Mexico? :) On the last day we had an amazing trip planned for everyone. We signed up to go out on a boat with a real marine biologist and track a pod of Dolphins. Our guide has been working with this same pod for years and years and actually knew them and had names for them. Before we got on the boat they taught us a lot of things about dolphins and conservation. We learned how they communicate with each other. How the whole pod works and how they are always together. After we headed out to the ocean to find them. We had a beautiful boat ride all around since they seemed to be out of their normal territory. After a bit of sailing we found them. The guide would just say jump in and you had to dive all the way down in the water to see them. I didn't get close enough to them to feel them but Daddy got up close to one. The group of them were swimming around and we even got to see the babies! Nathan and Nolan stayed on the boat with Mimi and Papa watching the little ones swimming and jumping with their moms. It was the coolest experience ever to be able to swim with the dolphins and see them in their own free environment. The kids were very excited and have talked about it every since. We headed back to the hotel for another yummy dinner and to pack up since we had to leave the next day . It is always so sad when these vacations end but we sure did have a great time! The whole week was just perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better time spent with our amazing family :)